We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Week Gone By

It has been a week since I last posted. Last week was a busy week but nothing major or exciting occured. I can't really think of what to post, so I'll go ahead and give a recap of the days.

Nicole had her one year check up on Monday. She ended up with a clean bill of health and six shots. Yes, six shots. Five vaccines and a flu shot. Poor girl. She actually handled it quite well. She was upset with the shot idea and made sure I heard about it all the way back to Traci's from the doctor's office. As far as soreness, oneryness, or fever, she had nothing. What a champ.

Nicole weighs 19 pounds 13 ounces (25%), she's 28 1/2 inches long (25%), and her head circumference is 45 (40%). She's doing great!

This day ended up having Dave find someone to cover his Peer Court so I could go to an Enrichment Committee meeting. Well, after driving around trying to find the house that the meeting was at, I came home to contact the leader. Yea, the meeting was changed to Thursday night. Oops! They forgot to call and let me know.

This is a busy night of the week. This night is gymnastics for Ashley and TaVaci (singing/performing group) for Hannah. After work, I met Dave at the Sheriff's Office so I could get a flu short. How bizarre is it that the jail nurse gave me my flu shot? I actually had to walk to the medical area of the jail. I did see some inmates fixing dinner and I remember one lying in a cell. A little freaky!!!

Dave decided to tag along for the running around of kids so we were off to pick up Ashley and Nicole from Traci's to get Ashley over to the Sports Academy for gymnastics. We watched her for 20 minutes and then ran back to Traci's to pick up Hannah and take her to TaVaci. Hannah's treat on Wednesday is getting out of school at 1 p.m. instead of 3 p.m. and getting to stay longer at Traci's while Ashley is taken to gymnastics.

Grandma Peterson gets off work early on Wednesdays to pick Ashley up from gymnastics (4:45) while I run Hannah to TaVaci which begins at 4:50. We loves grandma!!! After dropping Hannah off, Dave, Nicole, and I met Grandma P and Ashley at Albertson's for a few groceries. Once that was done we picked up Hannah at 5:45 and headed home.

Phew! Wednesdays are crazy!!

Dave had a Mt Crest football game Thursday at 7 p.m. and Hannah and Ashley were scheduled for flu shots at 5:10. After work, I picked up the girls from Traci's and we went shopping for clothes for Hannah. Some shopping was done with no luck in finding pants for Hannah that she will wear. We went for flu shots and then to dinner with Grandma P at Chili's (the girls favorite). After dinner, we went to DI looking for clothes for Hannah. She is going through a hard stage right now where she won't wear any clothes. There is something wrong with EVERYTHING! We actually found her a bunch of winter shirts, two skirts, and a pair of pants. She was in heaven! She loves her new shirts, wore one of her new skirts to church on Sunday and actually wore her new pair of pants to school today with out bocking at anything. Small miracles do happen!

Dave had to work this night doing shoulder tap, which is where they get young kids (decoys) to try and get adults to purchase alcohol for them. So, with Dave going to work us girls decided to play!

Thursday while at Grandma P's Hannah saw a commerical for High School Musical 3. It came to the theatre on Friday. She so badly wanted to go. She asked if Grandma could take her Friday night. I told her that I would check online to see if there were still seats available but I was thinking that it would be sold out where it was opening day.

Friday while dropping Hannah off for school, she reminded me to check online for tickets. While looking for tickets and chatting with my mom we decided to take both Hannah and Ashley to the movie for a "girls date" and we had Grandpa Welker watch Nicole.

The movie was interesting. I think I left a total of four times to take kids to the bathroom (note to self.....don't share the big drinks with the kids......bad idea!). Hannah even got to the point that she went three times by herself! Ashley had ants in her pants. She could not hold still. I think through it all we got the jest of the movie and Hannah seemed to love it.

After picking up Nicole from the Welker's, we headed to Paradise for dinner at the Cracker Barrell. Again, Ashley could not hold still but we survived. We lost Nicole's binki in the car on the ride to drop Grandma P off at her car. We still couldn't find it and had to drive from Providence to Mendon with Nicole hysterically crying in the car because she was tired and wanted the binki. We survived....barely!

Dave headed south with his brother to a snowmobile show in Salt Lake. The girls and I headed to town after Nicole's morning nap and went shopping to get Grandma P a new cell phone and to Sam's club for a few household things. The rest of the afternoon/night was spent at home. HURRAY!

This was the regular church day and then Hannah and Ashley were picked up by Grandma P to spend the afternoon with her. Me, Dave, and Nicole had our Sunday afternoon naps and then headed to Grandma P's for a yummy steak dinner and to pick up the two girls. It's always fun having a nice relaxing and lazy Sunday afternoon.

Here we are to Monday again. I woke up this morning with a head cold so that's a bummer. All four of us (me, Dave, Hannah, and Ashley) went to the dentist after work and school today. I am happy to report that there were no cavities! Hurray!!!! They do want Hannah to go back and have a sealer put on her permanent molars. I need to check into it with the insurance company and then decide if it's a good thing to do. I guess it's for preventative measures. Has anyone done it with your kids? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Here we go with another week. We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Emily Snow said...

That sounds like one jam-packed week! But you do it so well!

BTW...who was the inmate that you recognized?

I know nothing about sealants...but I'm guessing Thomas should have had them since he now has fillings in all four back molars!!