We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Dave!!

Today is Dave's 34th (Did I say that?) birthday. He spent the day in training but we did get to have lunch together...minus kids. After work, I picked up the girls and we went shopping for some gifts. What an adventure it is shopping by yourself with three girls!

For the present Ashley gave Dave I need to give a little background. Right after we moved to Mendon, Dave borrowed a skidster tractor from one of his friends and used it to move dirt around the house and level it out. The day the skidster went back Ashley was very upset. She told Dave for his birthday she was going to buy him his very own "skibster". Off to CAL Ranch we went today and Ashley was able to buy Dave his very own "skibster". He can't haul too much dirt with it but he sure can have fun driving it around on the carpet! She is so proud of herself that she was able to purchase a "skibster" for her Dad.

Hannah picked a nerf air gun for Dave. Him being a police officer and such he loves his guns! When Hannah found the gun in the toy isle she knew right then that this is what she wanted to get for Dad.

We took Dave to dinner at Copper Mill where we had yummy food for dinner and the famous Turtle cake for dessert. Once we got home, the skidster and gun were unpackaged and the girls enjoyed playing with Dad's presents. Overall I think it was a fun day. I hope Dave enjoyed it.


1 comment:

Heather Larsen said...

Happy Birthday Deputy Dave