We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cast #2

We returned to the doctor on Monday, June 16, for a check up on Ashley's arm.  I guess I didn't realize when you broke your arm this bad that they really watch closely to make sure everything is healing properly.

Xrays were taken of Ashley's arm through her cast.  This time we saw the actual orthopedic doctor, Dr Murray, so it was a little different and I didn't dare ask to take photos of the xrays.  He was a bit more professional than the physician's assistant.

After looking at the xrays and listening to the doctor's explanation, it was determined that the cast needed to be removed and a new one put on.  The bones were healing fine but there was too much play in the cast from the swelling going down and the angle of her wrist needed to be adjusted to make sure the arm continued to heal straight.  At this point, I believe I am finally realizing just how bad Ashley has broken her arm.

Off to the cast room we went and this time we had a new medical assistant taking of the old cast and putting on the new one.  Come to find out, I worked with her dad at BATC.  He retired a few years ago but I wondered why she looked so familiar.  It never hurts to be friendly and know people either.  I feel like Ashley got special treatment and ended up with another designer cast.  This time they let her do a pink cast and then the assistant folded purple in half and made stripes over the pink.  Of course, we had to add some clear glitter and bling bling!  We have cast #2.  Hannah and Ashley also enjoyed the "extra special" treat they got from the assistant of Oreos.  I'm sure it helped that we were chatting quite a bit about her dad.

When they took the cast off, I quickly snapped a picture of Ashley's arm.  Even though she would not have anything to do with looking at it.  I tried to explain that it looked much better than it did when she first broke it.  It's now straight but she still wanted nothing to do with taking a look.

Now presenting cast #2

Next appointment in 1 1/2 weeks!

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