On Wednesday evening, June 22, I had a Pampered Chef party at my house. Dave and I had planned all week that he would be available during the party to take care of Nicole.
I left work at noon to come home and finish the preparations for the party that started at 6:30 p.m. I stopped at Old Grist Mill on my way home and grabbed Dave and I a sandwich for lunch. I had chatted with Dave earlier in the day and we planned that I would grab sandwiches and he would meet me at home at 1 p.m. to eat. Well......I left home at 3:15 p.m. to pick Nicole up from Traci's and I hadn't heard or seen Dave. I tried to call him on my way to town but there was no answer.
At 4 p.m. on my way back home, I tried to call Dave again to figure out where he was and when he was coming home. He answered this time as he was leaving the Sheriff's Office and on his way to the ER at Logan Regional Hospital.
Of all of the days, this had to be the day that Dave chased the bad guy, stepped on a grate that slipped, and tore off his pinky fingernail. See? Just my luck. The one day I need him home to help take care of the girls. Thus, my philosophy. DO NOT HAVE AN AGENDA. It doesn't work! At least for me!
Dave was not planning to go to the ER but as per the orders from the Sergeant and Lieutenant, he went. Wouldn't you know......this is the day that the ER had a more critical patient, which meant Dave had to wait.
The Pampered Chef party started and ended and still no Dave. The Sergeant called to check on him but there's no Dave. Finally it's 8:15 p.m. and Dave has been discharged from the ER. It took four hours to deaden the finger, take off the rest of the attached nail, clean it up, and stitch the nail back on. Oh yea, they took x-rays too to make sure the finger was not broken.
Dave does now have sympathy for women that break off a fake fingernail. Everything is fine with his finger. He has to return in 10 days to have it rechecked to make sure things are coming along fine. and yes, it's VERY tender.
The pictures are kind of gross. Sorry!
1 comment:
OK...really...the pictures weren't necessary, now my stomach is turning...but YOUCH for Dave and sorry for you, I felt stressed out just reading it.
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