We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Piano Recital

This year's piano recital was later than normal.  The piano teacher tries to have it the end of May or June.  Why so late this year?  She was nice enough to wait until Hannah got her cast off.  Ah, that was nice.  But then we had to wait for vacations to end and then the recital could occur.

The recital was held on July 2.  The girls were transported to the recital in the "limo".  Yep.....the new six-seater golf cart.  We have named it the "limo".  This thing goes pretty fast too.  On the way home, we passed some bikers.  At least they found the humor in being blown past by a golf cart.  They started laughing.

Both Hannah and Ashley did a great job with the pieces they played.  Here's a few pictures of them:
They had to introduce the pieces they were playing.

The only thing I don't like about these pictures......it's the back of their heads!

Here's all of the students for the teacher. 
The teacher is the one standing in the back. 

Nice tongue Ashley! 
What lesson was learned at this recital?  This teacher is all about business.  So....don't be late.....even by 10 minutes and expect to see your grandkids perform.  Yep, Grandma and Grandpa Welker were just a few minutes late and missed both girls.  But they were nice enough to play their pieces again so Grandma and Grandpa could hear them.
I hope Grandma and Grandpa don't get offended that I put that in this post but how can I not......it's for posterity sake.  Hannah just came and leaned down to the side of me to see what I was posting and asked if I was going to put in the wording that Grandma and Grandpa were late.  So....she thought it was classic.  I think it should be journaled.

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