We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hannah Turns 10

Wow!  Where has the time gone?  I can't believe that Hannah is 10!!!

This was Hannah's year to have a birthday party.  After much chatting about what kind f party she wanted, we decided to have the party here in Mendon and do iron on shirts.  Let me just say.....the was the first and probably last birthday party we'll have in Mendon.  Oh my gosh!  It turned out to be total craziness!

When you're a working mom you live life one day at a time and you have to get through the prior day before you can begin to think about the next day.  Hannah and I had decided on doing the iron on shirts and playing games for her party.  Her party was on Saturday and her and I were out shopping on Friday for the "supplies".  Well.....let me just say from experience that there are many different types of iron-ons for shirts.  Some are easy; some are not.  We didn't find this out until Dave and I were in the middle of putting on the party and it turned into a disaster.  It took FOREVER to complete one shirt.  The girls were getting bored and Hannah ended up having to be the "lead" to keep her party going.  While we were ironing shirts, Hannah started the bingo game and ended up being the caller.  She was a great sport but by the time the party was over, which we scheduled for three hours because originally we were going to have a movie, Dave and I were exhausted and ready for all 13 girls to go home.

Thank goodness life is live and learn and with this experience we learned that it really is a great deal to have the birthday parties at establishments that cater and all you have to do is sit back and relax!

We only got a few pictures of the party because Dave and I were too busy but at least we got a couple so Hannah knows that we really did have a party for her.


We had to get a picture of Nicole's shirt.  With all the craziness going on, Dave and I didn't realize she had gone outside to decorate her own shirt.  She grabbed the fabric paints and went to town!

Isn't this a precious picture......Dave and I ironing.....and ironing.....and ironing......
We also had a little family celebration on Sunday with Grandma Peterson and Grandma & Grandpa Welker.  This was a little quieter, more peaceful and a fun celebration.
Little did she know these were sparkler candles......

Really?!?  What is wrong with these things? 

Happy Birthday Hannah!

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