We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas 2010

For Christmas Eve, we did the traditional dinner by candlelight with Grandma and Grandpa Welker.  It's a dinner that always consists of sloppy joes, chips, pop, and pistachio salad....along with a few other fixings.  Dinner is eaten on paper plates and by candlelight.  Always a hit with the kids.

For the annual Nativity scene with the young kids, Ashley was Mary and Hannah was the lead Angel that actually had a speaking part.  This is another fun tradition that the kids enjoy.  Of course, I forgot the camera.  Just my luck!

We were joined this year by Grandma Peterson which was a treat for the girls.  In fact, Grandma spent Christmas Eve night with us in Mendon and was there for Christmas morning.  The girls were in heaven!

Christmas morning brings the joy for Dave and I in torchering the girls and holding them off as long as possible at seeing their presents.  Hannah and Ashley slept upstairs with Grandma Peterson and Grandma did a great job of blindfolding them so they could come downstairs for a "potty" break.  We then had them go back upstairs and stay in the TV room until the cinnamon rolls were ready.  One of the traditions with our little family is to have cinnamon rolls and orange juice together in the bedroom (improvised this year to the TV room) before heading for the presents.

Dave, Grandma and I went downstairs to get ready with the cameras and then we ring the sleigh bells for the girls to come down.  We went in order this year of youngest to oldest.  Hannah was "dying" upstairs waiting for her turn to come and see what Santa brought.  I could totally relate to the feelings and it brought back my childhood.

We had a great Christmas and the girls seemed to enjoy what they got.  Hannah's favorite was her Easy Bake oven, Ashley's favorite was the Crayola paints, and Nicole is all over her new dress-ups!

Dave had to work at 2 p.m. so we had a lazy morning and then headed in to Grandma Peterson's later in the day for dinner.

Here's Nicole waving at the top of the stairs.  Ready or not!  Here she comes!

Here's Ashley.......


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