We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Monday, November 1, 2010

Final Camping Trip of the Year

For UEA weekend, we took the trailer out one last time.  We were joined by the Bensons and Rindlisbachers. 

We spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday camping in Mantua.  The weather was perfect; not too hot and not too cold, the food was amazing......we always eat like kings and queens when we camp, and the R&R was well deserved.

The bummer part of this camp out was that Nicole woke up Saturday morning at 5:30 a.m. and never went back to sleep.  We put her in bed with Dave and I but there was no way she was giving back in.  She was awake and ready to go.

Sunday morning brought us 15 more minutes of sleep.  Nicole fell out of bed at 5:45 a.m.  However, this time we weren't taking any chances.  She had a stuffy nose, which I think prompted her to roll around so out came the Benedryl and a dose later she was conked back out.  Aaaahhhh....the joys of modern medicine!

The colors in the mountains were amazing!  These pictures do not do it justice but I thought I'd post them anyway.

We took pumpkins up with us so the kids could have an activity and carve them.  It worked out great.....just as always.....the parents ended up doing most of the carving.  It was nice though to be doing it outside and not worrying about the mess going on the floor.

Ashley was hilarious! She was totally disgusted with the insides!

Sunday brought Nicole's birthday.  She turned three!  We brought cupcakes to celebrate with her.  I know I purchased candles at the grocery store but I could not find them anywhere!  They must have been left at the store because when we cleaned the trailer they were never found.  So, we improvised.  We put three matches in her cupcake and had her blow them out.  She didn't care; she was just happy to be the center of attention.  She even sang Happy Birthday to herself.  Three is such a fun age!

She loved that cupcake! 

Random shots.......

What a good sport! She let the younger girls do her hair!

Just a bucket of smiles! 

Well, the trailer is all winterized and has been parked on the side of the house for the winter.  We as a family have LOVED our camping experiences this year.  We are SO pleased with the purchase we made of the trailer.  The other joy is knowing that this is something our girls look forward to and enjoy.  We can't wait until April of 2011 when we'll be hooked up and ready to go again!

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