Christmas morning was so much fun. I loved seeing the excitement in Hannah and Ashley's eyes. Nicole....well, she was just out of control and excited to get a "box" and open anyone's present that would let her help.
Hannah was the first to wake up. If I remember correctly, she came in to our room at 6 a.m. after taking a quick peek to see if Santa had arrived....unbeknownst to Dave and I. She asked if she could go upstairs to watch cartoons, which means, I need to go to the living room to check things out again. We made her lay on our floor and go back to sleep for another hour or until Ashley and Nicole woke up.
Ashley was next to come in at 7 a.m. The little stinker came out of her room, went potty and then snuck out to see for herself if Santa had come. Dave quickly jumped out of bed and corraled her to our room to wait for Nicole, whom woke up within minutes of Ashley.
We kept the girls in our room while Dave and I went to the living room to make sure Santa had been there and to get the video camera ready. Dave then took charge and decided that we were going to do another one of his family's traditions and eat Cinnamon rolls and orange juice in our bedroom just to put off the presents a little bit longer. Thanks to Uncle Glade for giving us homemade Cinnamon rolls the night before along with some orange juice.
These extra minutes of having to eat were pure torture for the two oldest but it ended up working great. Nicole came out of the bedroom first to see what was going on and then here came Ashley and Hannah. We were able to do the presents Santa sat out for the girls and our stockings and then the doorbell rang, which brought Uncle Glade and Aunt Erin to celebrate with us in opening presents! What fun!
Not long after Uncle Glade and Aunt Erin, came Grandma Peterson. After an hour of opening was all over. That was that.......until.....Dave gave the girls his favorite present ever. He was so proud of himself and excited to share with them something he LOVES to do. In the garage were two snowmobiles and they are just the right size for the girls! It didn't take them long to get outside and check them out! Hannah was in heaven and Ashley ended up being a bit timid.
Later in the afternoon after trying to get order back in the house and Dave and I frantically taking down the Christmas tree and some decorations because we knew we'd be leaving for vacation the next day, we headed to Grandma Peterson's for a nice Christmas dinner. We were able to hang out with her for a few hours and enjoy some relaxation before heading back home to laundry and packing!
Overall it was a great Christmas! The girls were spoiled. Hannah and Ashley LOVE their dolls and the Wii has been a big hit!
Here's some of my favorite pictures. Thanks Aunt Erin for taking them while I did the camcorder! You'll notice Nicole kind of stole the show. No matter where the camera was pointing, she happened to be there!