Nicole didn't get her swim suit on but she wasn't going to let them play in the rain without her!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Just Singin' in the Rain (or Dancin')
Nicole didn't get her swim suit on but she wasn't going to let them play in the rain without her!
First Day of Second Grade
Today is Hannah's first day of second grade! Man, how time flies. I still think she should be in kindergarten!
It is amazing to see how Hannah is growing. She is turning in to quite the little lady. She is quite the teaser to her sisters but she is also quite the caretaker of them when needs be.
Hannah is still attending at Edith Bowen. For second grade, she has the same teacher as she did in first grade. I'm hoping this relieves some of the worries she had last year. Only time will tell.
We love you Hannah!
Welker Reunion
We were at the campsite for about 2 hours (or maybe even less) when Ashley took a spill on her scooter. Yea, we were going to bring the helmets but left them sitting in the garage. Aarghh! Thanks to Aunt Wendy for patching her up. Thanks to Aunt Linda for making her feel special by giving her the FIRST piece of birthday cake. These pictures were taken the next morning of her injuries. Man, am I thankful to have so many medical professionals in the family!
Hannah needed her picture taken by the tree too. As you can see, Hannah has a bruise on her forehead too. This occurred a few days earlier when a bar stool fell on her head. I should never say that I want to have family pictures taken. Next time I'll learn!
Tuesday morning, we loaded on the back of Dave's snowmobile trailer and headed up the road about a mile so Uncle Glade could do his annual nature hike with the kids. How lucky they are that Uncle Glade is willing to teach them about flowers!
This picture is most of the Grandkids lined up from oldest to youngest. I think the only one missing is Eme.
here's Wendy, Janee, Dave and Bryce catching some rays....
Upon returning from the nature hike, Kendal had the Amazing Race set up and ready to go. Dave and I helped Glade make lunch, which was yummy hamburgers and hotdogs, but Hannah and Ashley participated. One of the challenges was face painting. Here's what they looked like when they returned.....
Ashley and Delaynie........
Sam, Ashley, and Delaynie......
Rachel and Hannah......
Wednesday brought us to Bear Lake for a day of water. Bryce and Janee were very kind and brought their boat, tube and wake boards. Hannah went on two boat rides and Ashley had one LONG ride. I believe my girls are part fish. Accept for Nicole. She did not like the water at all. She was perfectly Happy on the sidelines playing in the sand.
Wendy and Kevin......
Dan and Linda........
Uncle Glade doing what he loves best.....
Ken and Garrett (Jacob in the background with the life vest)........
Glade and Nate.......
Erin and Roomate Nicole......
and the best for last........Dave........
Aunt Erin was such a sport and put on the life vest and went WAY out in the water to play with the kids. You're so awesome Aunt Erin!
Here starts the pictures of my fish. Hannah is the second from the right. Good thing she has a life vest on!Here's Ashley..........
and Nicole.....perfectly happy with the sand.......
Everyone was tired by the time the water day was over. Dave had to work Thursday morning so we were not able to head back to camp and stay one more night with the others. We headed home after Bear Lake. This next picture shows how exhausted Nicole was. She was playing with this Bug Juice bottle and fell asleep with it in her mouth. She was humming into the bottle and I believe fell asleep in the middle of her tune!
A good time was had by all at the Reunion and we love that new memories were made!
Sisterly Love
24th of July Parade
Me, Dave, Ashley, Nicole, Grandma Peterson, Kendal, Bridger, Sam and McKenna were on the side cheering her on as she went by!
Here's Hannah and one of her good friends, Lydia....