We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 2012

Singing Starz
The girls joined a new singing group this year called Singing Starz due to their TaVaci group ending.   They had their winter concert on December 8.  We got to the concert with the camera in hand only to realize that the batteries were dead.  So, thanks to my good friend Jenn Hopkins, I got a few snapshots of Nicole stealing the show as Prancer.

She was even nice enough to snap me a couple of pictures of Nicole and Ashley visiting with Santa




New Year's Eve
To end 2012 on a , we hosted our friends to a New Year's Eve party in Mendon.  Lots of fun was had with great people and amazing food furnished by all.

November 2012

Oh my!  November must have flown right on by!  I don't have a single picture documenting this month.  Yikes!

I'm pretty sure we celebrated Thanksgiving.  Hmm....guess it's not too exciting taking pictures of everyone eating turkey.  I know for sure we celebrated Thanksgiving in Mendon with Grandma Peterson joining us.  The Friday after Thanksgiving we headed to Nibley and celebrated with the Welker's.

Guess I better work on my picture taking!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

October 2012

From my last post, we know that Nicole turned 5 and she was pretty proud of it.  This totally was the highlight of October.  However, a few more events happened as well.

Final Camping Trip
We closed out of camping season the first weekend of October (Conference) with our group of friends at Downata Hot Springs in Idaho.  I remember it being really cold.  Cold enough that we forgot to unhook the water hoses from our trailers during the night and woke up in the morning to no water because the hoses had frozen.

Hannah went to Teton Science School
Hannah's 5th grade class had the awesome experience of going to the Teton Science school in Wyoming.  We dropped her off in the school parking lot on Sunday, October 7, and picked her up on Wednesday, October 10.

It was so hard as a parent to drop off my 10 year old and send her without one of her parents for four days.  The nice thing was the school IT guy accompanied the kids to the science school, took pictures and posted them to a blog.

Hannah is not a girl of many words so she won't really say if she enjoyed her experience or not.  This was the first year that they didn't allow parents to accompany the kids; they only took teachers.  I think she might have been more excited if Dave would have gone but all in all I hope she had a great time.  We were sure glad to have her back home!

These are pictures Hannah took while on her trip:

Dave and I didn't go on the trip but we sure learned a thing or two.  Who knew there was a geyser in Soda Springs, Idaho?


Photos from IT guy:

Nicole Becomes a Princess for a Day
Nicole's Singing Starz group performed "When you Wish Upon a Star" at a Stake Function.  I think she makes a beautiful Snow White.

Pumpkin Carving


 Trick-or-Treating at Grandma Nana's

Trick-or-Treated at our favorite house
and getting pictures taken by the cool old house.

Fall Soccer
Finally, I'm not sure what I was thinking but I don't have any pictures of Nicole and Ashley playing fall soccer.  Must be a slacker of a mom!  But they both played and had a fun time.