Today is June 20. I actually typed this post on May 20, the night of the girls concert. I had to type it then so I wouldn't forget any of the details but have been a bit slow in adding pictures and posting. Enjoy the story!
Tonight was Hannah and Ashley's Spring TaVaci concert and what a night to remember it was!
Let me back up a bit to say that Monday night it dawned on Dave and I that the girls' concert was on Friday and he was working. Bummer! We didn't plan right and have him take the night off. He also has a trainee with him so trying to shuffle that around is quite hard. What do you do? You punt and hope that this is one of the few he misses.
Wednesday night was staging rehearsal, which in and of itself is quite the story. We had so much stuff jam packed into Wednesday that Grandma Peterson actually ended up being the chauffeur and taking the girls to their practices. Thursday night brought dress rehearsal and tonight was the performance.
The girls and I were at home and running right on schedule. We ate dinner at 5:15, got everyone (including Nicole) in their dresses/costumes and were on the road by 6:15 to the university. I'd have to say I was quite impressed. We were only going to be 5 minutes late! That's impressive where I got three girls in dresses, tights, and curled their hair. Plus....I got myself ready too.
We're driving up 400 north in Logan when Nicole says, "Mom, I need to throw up." In times past she's said this and it's really meant nothing. She'll say it at home a few times and when you finally tell her to go throw up, she'll go in the bathroom, spit in the toilet, and be done. So I'm thinking that she's just saying it. Then she says it again. Hmmm. Then she starts crying. Oh crap! She's really going to throw up. I grab Ashley's jacket off the front passenger seat, toss it to Hannah and tell her to put it on Nicole so that if she does throw up we can catch it in something. Withing seconds of the jacket, she starts throwing up in the van. Are you kidding me?!?!? Hannah starts sliding toward the other door so she doesn't get anything on her costume and then Ashley starts making weird noises like she's gagging and going to start throwing up herself. Really?!?!? I toss Nicole's jacket to Ashley but she says, "Mom, I'm not going to throw up. I'm just coughing from the smell." Oh...okay.
Now panic mode sets in. What in the world am I going to do? Hannah grabs the cell phone and calls my mom who is inside with Grandma Nana saving seats. She informs her that Nicole is puking in the car and to come outside and help. I pull in the parking lot and tell Hannah and Ashley that they're going to need to get out of the van and run inside to their seats. I'll figure out Nicole and find them later. They were such troopers. Once the van was in park they be-lined it out the door and into the theatre. How nice to know that I have two very responsible girls.
I open the sliding door to the van and see that Nicole is covered in throw up. Her face, Ashley's jacket and her new May Day dress that Traci made her to match Hannah and Ashley's. She looks at me and says, "It's okay mom. My tummy feels better." Oh good! Glad to hear.
Thank goodness two days ago I put a package of wet wipes in the van. At least I had something to start cleaning her up with. My mom came out to the parking lot and lucky for us she had some garbage bags in her car so we could clean up and dispose of things. However, there I am standing in a stupor. What am I going to do. I have a sick child in the car, my other two girls are inside for their performance that they've worked so hard on, and Dave's working. As a mom, I was so torn. I want to see the performance and be with Hannah and Ashley. They each had speaking parts and I was so nervous for Ashley that she wouldn't talk loud enough but I have Nicole who isn't feeling well and needs her mom.
So, we punt. Grandma Peterson is sent back inside with the camera to watch the girls and take Hannah her apron that she left in the van. Oh yea and to be with Grandma Nana. After wiping Nicole up, I decide that I'm going to have to run to a store and buy her a new outfit. We'll have to play it by ear to see if when we return we'll be able to sneak in and sit in the back.....with a garbage sack......and see some of the show or wait in the parking lot until it's over.
We did make it to Kmart and back with a new outfit. Nicole kept telling me that she was better and could watch the girls sing their songs. The new clothes helped her smell better so we were able to go in and see some of the show. We missed Ashley's speaking part but my mom, Nana and Traci said that she was so cute and did an amazing job. She talked loud and everyone got a good laugh from her joke. AND I MISSED IT!!! BUMMER!!! I did get to see Hannah do her part and she did a great job. She too spoke loud and clear so she could be heard and got a good laugh from the audience.
I didn't realize that everyone was only sitting 4 or 5 rows in front of us until Nicole spotted my mom and wanted to go sit with her. My mom must have spotted us shortly after because not too long after that she came and sat with Nicole on the back row while I sat down a little closer and took some pictures.
Even though Dave was working, he actually was able to sneak in for the last couple of songs and to see the girls at the end which brought smiles to their faces. Thanks to Grandma Peterson too for bringing each of the girls a red rose. They sure felt like they were on top of the world.
After the performance the four of us and Grandma Peterson went to Casper's Malt Shoppe for ice cream. This is a tradition we've started with the girls and who's not up for some ice cream!
We arrived at home around 9:30 with everyone exhausted and ready for bed. Poor Nicole came right in and laid down on the couch. I really don't think she feels good. It could be an interesting night at our house!!!
Excerpt June 20: Nicole did end up with the flu this weekend. We were up at 4 a.m. throwing up and again at 6:30. She also came down with a fever for all of Saturday. Poor kid....she really didn't feel good.
Here's some pictures of the performers:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Catching Up #1 - Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary
Monday, April 25 marked 13 years that Dave and I have been married. Wahoo!
Dave actually left on Monday the 25th for the entire week to attend SWAT training in Wendover, NV. Before he left he brought me some beautiful roses at work. The arrangement of flowers consisted of 13 red roses; one for each year of marriage and three white roses; one for each of our girls. Now that's impressive! There was definitely some thought that went into these roses.
I have to say I'm pretty spoiled!!!
Happy Birthday Ashley
On Wednesday, April 27, Ashley turned six! Let's have another wahoo for that one!!!
With Dave being out of town, we talked Ashley into waiting for the main festivities until he returned and could enjoy it with us. So, we did our regular routine of TaVaci and then headed to Mendon for Ashley's soccer game at 5:30. Once the game was over, we headed to town and had a birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Ashley's choice. It's all about sitting in the saddle (no picture...what was I thinking)!
What are the two thoughts stand out the most at this dinner?
1- The girls were standing in the aisle watching the waitresses/waiters line dance when all of a sudden comes a THUD! A little boy probably about 18 months old came backward into our booth from the other booth behind us and smacked his head on our table. Ouch! I'm not sure how he actually came over backward. I can see frontward if he was leaning over the bench but he wasn't.
2- We were sitting at the table waiting for our food when all of the sudden it dawns on me that I have forgotten to take Hannah to her piano lesson. Between Dave being gone and trying to coordinate TaVaci, soccer and a birthday dinner I totally spaced off that Hannah needed to be at piano during Ashley's soccer game. I had forgotten my cell phone at home so it wasn't until 9:30 that I could call her teacher with multiple apologies.
Ashley's VIP Poster
Picture this in your mind with's Monday night. This is the first of four nights/five days that Dave is gone. Ashley comes up to me as she's heading to bed and says, "Mom, my birthday is on Wednesday. Have you made my VEI poster for school?" In my shocked but trying not to be shocked voice, I say, "No. Am I suppose to make you a poster?" Ashley - "Yes. When it's your birthday, your mom makes a poster about you and then brings it to share in class." Me - "Oh....well.....I haven't heard from your teacher so I'll send her an e-mail tonight and see what I'm suppose to do."
The next morning when I get to work, I check my e-mail and see that I am suppose to create a VIP poster on Ashley. The e-mail says that if I'd like to come and share the poster on Wednesday that would be great but if that's too soon I can wait and come on Thursday. Hmmm.....let's think about this for a moment. I can't do anything until I'm off work on Tuesday and then I have to get Hannah to TaVaci at 4pm then to a soccer game at 5:30. When am I suppose to buy the poster paper and find the pictures to have the poster ready for presentation by Wednesday? I replied that Thursday would work fine. I would need the extra day to pull it together.
Tuesday during TaVaci I was able to take Ashley to purchase the poster paper and she picked the "rainbow" paper. She's such a color girl. Tuesday night I stayed up until almost midnight finding pictures and then Wednesday night I pulled it all together. I then made it for the end of class Thursday for the presentation and the handing out of cupcakes to celebrate Ashley's birthday.
Here's the final product:
Ashley's Birthday Party
This year it was Ashley's turn for the "friend" birthday party. She was adament that she needed a skating party at the Fun Park. So....that's what she got. We held the festivities on Monday, May 2. It worked out great because I had taken the day off work and it was Dave's regular scheduled day off.
There ended up being 15 girls for the party. This included Hannah, Nicole and Hannah's friend. Can I just say.....that's a lot of little girls to coordinate! Especially where only 4 could skate!!! I was sweating by the time the pizza was ready!!!
It turned out to be a fun party and I think everyone had a great time. I asked Ashley on the way home if she had fun but she told me no. I guess that's what I get for asking when she's exhausted because the next morning it was the best party she'd ever had! Probably because it was only her second one!
However, she did say that where she invited all girls this year she would like to invite all boys next time. Oh dear! I guess we'll see if that changes when she's in 2nd grade!
She was so cute! She sang to herself the whole time everyone was singing Happy Birthday!
She hit the goldmine in the present department! You could tell that all of the girls had her pegged. They all gave her some sort of art supply/kit. She was in total heaven!
According to Ashley, her favorite present was the remote controlled puppy from Mom and Dad!
Monday, April 25 marked 13 years that Dave and I have been married. Wahoo!
Dave actually left on Monday the 25th for the entire week to attend SWAT training in Wendover, NV. Before he left he brought me some beautiful roses at work. The arrangement of flowers consisted of 13 red roses; one for each year of marriage and three white roses; one for each of our girls. Now that's impressive! There was definitely some thought that went into these roses.
I have to say I'm pretty spoiled!!!
Happy Birthday Ashley
On Wednesday, April 27, Ashley turned six! Let's have another wahoo for that one!!!
With Dave being out of town, we talked Ashley into waiting for the main festivities until he returned and could enjoy it with us. So, we did our regular routine of TaVaci and then headed to Mendon for Ashley's soccer game at 5:30. Once the game was over, we headed to town and had a birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Ashley's choice. It's all about sitting in the saddle (no picture...what was I thinking)!
What are the two thoughts stand out the most at this dinner?
1- The girls were standing in the aisle watching the waitresses/waiters line dance when all of a sudden comes a THUD! A little boy probably about 18 months old came backward into our booth from the other booth behind us and smacked his head on our table. Ouch! I'm not sure how he actually came over backward. I can see frontward if he was leaning over the bench but he wasn't.
2- We were sitting at the table waiting for our food when all of the sudden it dawns on me that I have forgotten to take Hannah to her piano lesson. Between Dave being gone and trying to coordinate TaVaci, soccer and a birthday dinner I totally spaced off that Hannah needed to be at piano during Ashley's soccer game. I had forgotten my cell phone at home so it wasn't until 9:30 that I could call her teacher with multiple apologies.
Ashley's VIP Poster
Picture this in your mind with's Monday night. This is the first of four nights/five days that Dave is gone. Ashley comes up to me as she's heading to bed and says, "Mom, my birthday is on Wednesday. Have you made my VEI poster for school?" In my shocked but trying not to be shocked voice, I say, "No. Am I suppose to make you a poster?" Ashley - "Yes. When it's your birthday, your mom makes a poster about you and then brings it to share in class." Me - "Oh....well.....I haven't heard from your teacher so I'll send her an e-mail tonight and see what I'm suppose to do."
The next morning when I get to work, I check my e-mail and see that I am suppose to create a VIP poster on Ashley. The e-mail says that if I'd like to come and share the poster on Wednesday that would be great but if that's too soon I can wait and come on Thursday. Hmmm.....let's think about this for a moment. I can't do anything until I'm off work on Tuesday and then I have to get Hannah to TaVaci at 4pm then to a soccer game at 5:30. When am I suppose to buy the poster paper and find the pictures to have the poster ready for presentation by Wednesday? I replied that Thursday would work fine. I would need the extra day to pull it together.
Tuesday during TaVaci I was able to take Ashley to purchase the poster paper and she picked the "rainbow" paper. She's such a color girl. Tuesday night I stayed up until almost midnight finding pictures and then Wednesday night I pulled it all together. I then made it for the end of class Thursday for the presentation and the handing out of cupcakes to celebrate Ashley's birthday.
Here's the final product:
Ashley's Birthday Party
This year it was Ashley's turn for the "friend" birthday party. She was adament that she needed a skating party at the Fun Park. So....that's what she got. We held the festivities on Monday, May 2. It worked out great because I had taken the day off work and it was Dave's regular scheduled day off.
There ended up being 15 girls for the party. This included Hannah, Nicole and Hannah's friend. Can I just say.....that's a lot of little girls to coordinate! Especially where only 4 could skate!!! I was sweating by the time the pizza was ready!!!
It turned out to be a fun party and I think everyone had a great time. I asked Ashley on the way home if she had fun but she told me no. I guess that's what I get for asking when she's exhausted because the next morning it was the best party she'd ever had! Probably because it was only her second one!
However, she did say that where she invited all girls this year she would like to invite all boys next time. Oh dear! I guess we'll see if that changes when she's in 2nd grade!
She was so cute! She sang to herself the whole time everyone was singing Happy Birthday!
She hit the goldmine in the present department! You could tell that all of the girls had her pegged. They all gave her some sort of art supply/kit. She was in total heaven!
According to Ashley, her favorite present was the remote controlled puppy from Mom and Dad!
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