We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Have We Been Doing?

I agree that it's been awhile since a post.  You might ask what we've been doing.

Nicole has been catching up on some beauty sleep....

and Hannah and Ashley started school......

Hannah is in the third grade and is loving school this year.  Hurray!  As most of you know, 1st and 2nd grade brought many trips to the office with upset stomachs, headaches, and not feeling wells.  We have now been in school for a month and a half and not one trip to the office.  I know you might be thinking, "it's only been 1 1/2 months" but TRUST ME it's a MAJOR mile stone.  We went for ice cream to celebrate the one month mark.  I give credit to her teacher and maybe it also has some to do with being the big sister at school.  Whatever it is, it's working!

Today was parent teacher conference and the report on Hannah was great!  She's a joy to have in class and is a whiz at math (that one comes from her Dad).

Ashley started Kindergarten this year and is LOVING school.  She went to school one day not really feeling on top of the world but she didn't want to miss one day so off she went.  Ashley is our little artist.  You can always catch her drawing or coloring.  When she wakes up in the morning you can tell her that she's more than welcome to go upstairs and watch some cartoons but her comment is always, "No thanks.  I'm going to color."

Ashley received raving reviews from her teacher today for parent teacher conference.  She makes friends well (trying to figure out how to rub some of that off on Hannah) and is very friendly to everyone in class.  According to the teacher, she loves to draw and write.....shocking!

And don't forget that Nicole needed her picture taken on the first day of school too.....

Sometimes they love each other.....

This year the south end of the valley decided to play fall soccer.  Both Hannah and Ashley are playing and this is taking up a bunch of our time.  Each girl has two games a week and each have practice one day a week.  Now you know why the posts are few and far between.  I think soccer is a great sport for the girls to play.  It teaches them lots of great skills but I am also glad that it only lasts for a month and a half.  They will finish up the end of October.

Once again, I keep forgetting to take my camera to the soccer games.  One of these days I will remember it so I can post pictures.  Ashley is a little go-getter in her games and Hannah is turning in to quite the goalie and defender.  They sure know how to make their parents proud.

A funny story about Ashley......

I have to get this story in one of my posts so that it can be printed in my blog book that is just about ready to be published.

Our group of friends went camping over Labor Day weekend.  However, Dave was unable to get the time off work so we went up Saturday night for dinner.  Well, Ashley has had her second loose tooth for a few weeks.  We keep telling her to be patient and it will come out on it's own.

We arrived up the canyon to join our friends and as soon as we get there, Ashley and her little side kick, Taylor, hook up.  Ashley asks Taylor, "Taylor, do you know how to pull out teeth?"  Ashley and Taylor then disappear in Taylor's camper to arrive less than a minute later with Ashley's tooth in hand.  Ashley says, "Mom!  Here's my tooth.  I asked Taylor if she knew how to pull out teeth and she said she did and so we went in her trailer and she got a kleenex and pulled out my tooth."  This is all being said as she won't swallow because there's lots of blood in her mouth and me on the verge of throwing up because I can't handle the pulling out teeth thing!

When these two get together you never know what's going to happen!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The County Fair

When you're a kid, what do you go to the County Fair for?  The rides!

I purchased the unlimited ride wristbands for Hannah and Ashley and quickly found out from Nicole that I should have gotten one for her too.  What are you thinking Mom?  She's just as big as the other two!

We love riding the rides on Thursday night, which is family night.  The girls were in heaven.  They were able to ride any ride they wanted and did not have to stand in line.

We got our money's worth too!  We didn't leave the rides until 11pm.  Needless to say, the girls were exhausted!

We broke from the rides long enough to go get a hamburger.  On our way, Hannah saw her friend's mom who was in a booth for a Salon and Mary Kay.  Here's Hannah getting her Eye Candy applied.  Ashley also got Eye Candy and Nicole got a smiley face on her cheek.

Back to the rides and the wave!

What's with the face?  You're on a Kiddie ride!

We went back to the Fair Friday evening because we never saw anything other than the rides on Thursday and the fair isn't the fair unless you visit the animal exhibits.  Our friends are highly involved with the lambs.  this is one of the lambs one of their kids showed.  Ashley was the only one brave enough to get out of the stroller and pet the lamb up close and personal.

Nicole's First Hair Cut

On August 12, Nicole had her first "professional" hair cut with Dominee.

Hannah and Ashley also received cute hair cuts in preparation for starting school.  Nicole watched intently her two older sisters and then it was her turn.

She did really well.  I was nervous that she'd freak but she was such a big girl.

Here's the before shot.....

And the after shot.....

Then at home.......we lost her and she became quiet......can you hear the Dun...Dun...Dun.....

She was found on the golf cart in the garage with another stash of hair by her side.  The little stinker had gotten another pair of scissors and cut her hair again!  Another shot to the scalp on her part!  Now I have two lovely spots to grow out!

It's Never a Good Sign When She's Quiet

Dave was upstairs relaxing

I was in the shower

Hannah and Ashley were outside playing

Nicole is quiet.............

I open the shower door and hear, "Mom, I cut my hair!"

There's Nicole standing with scissors in her right hand and a clump of hair in her left.

My heart sunk!  I yelled for Dave to come and help where I had just gotten out of the shower.

Nicole started crying when Dave arrived because by now she has realized that she's done something wrong.

Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she gave herself some layers.  She also cut down to the scalp in a section on her part.

Good thing she's getting a hair cut in a couple of days!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welker Family Reunion 2010

After WAY too long of a hiatus, I have finally updated my blog!  Can I get a HURRAY!  Sit down, pull up a chair, and enjoy this LARGE post on the Welker Reunion.

Thanks to Aunt Wendy, we have enjoyed another Welker Reunion!

This year's reunion was held at Jacob Lake in Northern Arizona.  You would think going to Northern Arizona this time of year would be scorching hot but I must admit the temperature was perfect.  I don't believe it reached over 80 degrees the entire time.  Yes, we endured/witnessed some amazing rain storms but I think this helped keep the temperatures pleasant.

There always seems to be something that needs to go wrong in order to get off and enjoy a reunion.  This year was no different.  First of all, we were wondering on Thursday if Nate's vehicle was going to get out of the repair shop in order to pull our trailer for us or if our trailer was going to be left home in the driveway and we'd be tenting it.

Phew!  The Excursion was released from the "fix it shop" on Thursday afternoon close to 5 p.m.  Our trailer was packed and ready to go and headed out Thursday evening to Lehi.

Late Thursday night brought a phone call from Nate that one of our trailer springs broke in transport and would need to be fixed Friday morning before we would be able to leave Lehi.  After Nate and Dave chatting many times on the phone during our travels down and our stopping at 3-4 RV stores, we arrived in Lehi at 11 a.m. where Dave jumped in the car with Nate to run and pick up parts in Orem.

Once the parts were obtained for the trailer it seemed to be a quick fix and we were back on the road at 2:30 pm following our trailer and heading for Jacob Lake.

The trip required many stops and going slower to make sure the Excursion and trailer were functioning well.  We arrived in Kanab around 8 p.m. and ate dinner at Wendy's and then headed the additional 45 minutes to Jacob Lake.  We arrived at camp around 9:30 pm in time to get settled and be off to bed.

Due to the weather, Saturday turned in to the day that we visited the Grand Canyon.  The day was cloudy and drizzly but you could still wear shorts and maybe have a jacket/sweater on.  We arrived at the Grand Canyon to see that it was socked in with fog.  We still went on some of the hikes and made the most of it.  I thought it was interesting to chat with some people that lived in the area and visited the Grand Canyon many times.  They commented that this is the first time they had ever seen the Grand Canyon like this.  They felt bad for the tourists but I have to say this is something that I'll probably never see again.  Some of the pictures turned out amazing!  As the day wore on, the sun came out and there were parts of the canyon that weren't fogged in.

And here's the Grand Canyon!  It's so.........WHITE!

Ashley (coughing) - Aly (cousin) - Hannah

Bryce - Janee - Dave - Linda

Yes!  That is the Grand Canyon behind us!

This is all of the Welker Granddaughters minus Kacie....not sure where she went.

Grandpa - Nicole - Dave


In the afternoon, we stopped along the side of the road and had a picnic for lunch and then headed off again to another site and a couple of more trails.  To get to this site the road was VERY windy.  Right at the very end Hannah commented that she was going to throw up!  When we arrived, the door quickly opened and Hannah was pulled out for a breath of fresh air!  Poor girl!  Takes after her Mom......I was in the front seat looking out the window and I got queasy myself!

Is that what I think it is?  YES! It's the Grand Canyon!

Ashley & DeLaynie - these two are 4 months apart in age and were totally inseperable the entire reunion.  I thought we were going to have to change Ashley's name to Ashley Roper.

DeLaynie - Ashley - Hannah - Rachel

Grandma - Dave - Linda

Brandon - Nicole - Aunt Wendy

A picture of just Dave & I.  This doesn't happen often.

Can you find the hole in the rock?

Sunday brought us leaving camp early and heading to Sacrament meeting in Fredonia.  The Ward here was rather small.  Thank goodness Aunt Wendy had warned them a group of 40 would be visiting.  We doubled the ward numbers!  Without the heads up, there might not have been enough bread!

After sacrament and due to all of the family being there (minus Aunt Erin who couldn't get off work and Garrett who is on his Mission in Canada), Kyle (nephew) had worked it out so he could be set apart as an Elder with all of the family there.

We left church and headed to Pipe Springs, which is Paiute tribe land where the Mormons came and settled.  Our tour guide of this area was actually a member of the Paiute tribe.  It was interesting to hear his perspective as a tribe member of how the Mormons came in and took over the land from his people.

As we're listening to his stories, Hannah turns to me and says, "Mom, I don't think he likes Mormons."  Interesting that an eight year old could pick up on something like that.  I'm sure he didn't know we were Mormon but I still found it interesting to hear his side of the story.

......forgot the camera for this event.......

Sunday night brought Aunt Wendy and Grandma sharing interesting trivia and heritage with everyone.

Monday morning after breakfast everyone headed off the beaten path to experience rock repelling.  A group headed off at first to get things set up (Dave included) and a little while later the rest of us loaded up and headed over.

Upon arriving, Ashley was one of the first to get harnessed up and ready to repel.  Dave took her to the top, hooked her to him, and down they came.  From our immediate family, Ashley is the one that repelled the most.  I think all total she came down six times.

The face says it all!

Attempt #2....a little more relaxed.

Two of the times, Ashley was determined to be just like her cousin DeLaynie, who is 4 months older, and repel by herself.  As a Mom it is so heartbreaking to be at the bottom looking up and not being able to help your daughter overcome the fear of taking the first step.  She would get to the edge and was right there but couldn't take the initial step.  The second time Dave was at the top trying to convince her that she could do it and she wanted to so bad but she just couldn't.  I give her credit though.  That was amazing for a five year old to even attempt.

Hannah did a great job and after much coaxing she repelled the rock by herself.  She said, "Mom....I'll repel if you will."  Here I am at the bottom giving much encouragement to "just try it once" but I'm thinking to myself the whole time that there is NO WAY I'm coming down the mountain!  Grandpa Welker even told Hannah that he would go down if she did.  So Hannah harnessed up and off she went.  Dave was at the top for Hannah's attempt and he said she had tears in her eyes but she listened to Aly's instructions and was a pro at repelling down.

Every time one of the kids came down the mountain, Nicole would say, "Is it my turn"?  After listening for while, we harnessed her up and she went up the mountain with Dave to repel down.  This is one of those times that I wished I would have had my video camera.  I think we could have won some money by submitting Nicole's repelling to Funniest Home Videos.  As soon as Nicole was hooked to Dave and they started down, she began screaming.  She DID NOT want to come down the mountain.  Dave stopped midway to have Nicole wave for pictures.  She lifted the hat off her head and waved it above her head like she was waving a white surrender flag.....and still crying the whole time.  They reached the bottom and while still crying and tears running down her face she says, "Can I go again?  Daddy, will you take me again?"  Heartbreaking, cute and irresistible.  Dave took her back up the mountain and this time she was all smiles coming down.  She could see me while she was waiting at the top and was yelling hi and waving.

Harnessed up and ready to go!

It's all fun at the top

You've got to check out the facial expressions through these next photos

Phew! We made it!
Try #2....a much better wave

Here's some photos of Dave's repelling.......by himself......

Well, that's all my family except me that has repelled.  Everyone, especially Dave, kept bugging me to repel.  I have an enormous fear of heights.  Some of the spots at the Grand Canyon were killing me because there was no fence.  The more people bug me the more my heels get planted in the ground and I will prove to you that I can make my own decision and not do it.  Besides, I didn't want to be the one to try repelling and end up hanging upside down on the mountain with 40 people watching and not be able to get myself back up right to continue down.

My brother-in-law, Kevin, came up to me and said that Wendy wanted to possibly try repelling but she didn't want to do it in front of everyone.  If I were interested, I could stay behind with them after everyone else had gone back to camp and I could repel.  My comment was, "I'll think about it."

It does make you feel really sheepish when your eight, five, and two year old kids have repelled.....multiple times.  As we're sitting there, Grandpa Welker gets up and harnesses up and repels keeping his word to Hannah.  Then, up pops Grandma Welker and heads up the mountain to repel.  This is a lot of pressure!  All of the adults have repelled accept me and Wendy.

Things were wrapping up and everyone was heading back and now came the moment of "what am I going to do".  There's Wendy and I looking at each other and Kevin and Dave getting us ready to repel.  In fact, I don't think they were giving us much of a choice or time to think about it.  We were harnessed and up the mountain in no time!

Wendy was amazing and went first.  She did great!  Now it's my turn.  I remember asking Aly if she was sure the rope was attached and wouldn't come off.  Then there was no thinking about it and DEFINITELY no looking down.  Off the mountain backwards I went.....scared SPITLESS!

We did it!  What a feat for me and Wendy!  We did it!

Then......at the bottom I'm told that we're going again.  Wendy's already at the top so I guess here I go again.  Dave and Kevin said we had to do it again because the first time is pure fear and you can relax a little more for the second go round.  Ok....Ok.....they were right....but I won't tell them!

I remember yelling on my way down the first time that Dave had better be getting pictures because I wasn't sure this would EVER happen again!

Along with repelling there was also shooting going on.  Ashley was the first to attempt and she did great.  She was the only one in our family that hit the target!  Both Hannah and I shot.  I didn't have the camera handy so there were no pictures taken of us.  Bummer!

After repelling, we headed back to camp to play the Minute to Win-It game, have a Pinata for the younger kids, dinner and fun and games for the evening.

You go Cole!

Ashley's turn

It's all about the tongue!

Tuesday morning brought breakfast and breaking down of camp.  Everyone split ways around 11 a.m. and headed for home.  We arrived back in Mendon around 8:30 p.m.

Thanks Aunt Wendy and Family for a great reunion!

Here's some favorite pictures and memories of the reunion

The reporting of Sasquatch in the campground next door and the police officer driving though to get a picture

Cousins, cousins, and more cousins.  My girls went through withdrawls!

Precious moments with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa repelling

the pictures that you don't know are being taken

and those you do