We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All

We May Not Have It All Together But Together We Have It All
June 2013

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Have We Been Doing?

I agree that it's been awhile since a post.  You might ask what we've been doing.

Nicole has been catching up on some beauty sleep....

and Hannah and Ashley started school......

Hannah is in the third grade and is loving school this year.  Hurray!  As most of you know, 1st and 2nd grade brought many trips to the office with upset stomachs, headaches, and not feeling wells.  We have now been in school for a month and a half and not one trip to the office.  I know you might be thinking, "it's only been 1 1/2 months" but TRUST ME it's a MAJOR mile stone.  We went for ice cream to celebrate the one month mark.  I give credit to her teacher and maybe it also has some to do with being the big sister at school.  Whatever it is, it's working!

Today was parent teacher conference and the report on Hannah was great!  She's a joy to have in class and is a whiz at math (that one comes from her Dad).

Ashley started Kindergarten this year and is LOVING school.  She went to school one day not really feeling on top of the world but she didn't want to miss one day so off she went.  Ashley is our little artist.  You can always catch her drawing or coloring.  When she wakes up in the morning you can tell her that she's more than welcome to go upstairs and watch some cartoons but her comment is always, "No thanks.  I'm going to color."

Ashley received raving reviews from her teacher today for parent teacher conference.  She makes friends well (trying to figure out how to rub some of that off on Hannah) and is very friendly to everyone in class.  According to the teacher, she loves to draw and write.....shocking!

And don't forget that Nicole needed her picture taken on the first day of school too.....

Sometimes they love each other.....

This year the south end of the valley decided to play fall soccer.  Both Hannah and Ashley are playing and this is taking up a bunch of our time.  Each girl has two games a week and each have practice one day a week.  Now you know why the posts are few and far between.  I think soccer is a great sport for the girls to play.  It teaches them lots of great skills but I am also glad that it only lasts for a month and a half.  They will finish up the end of October.

Once again, I keep forgetting to take my camera to the soccer games.  One of these days I will remember it so I can post pictures.  Ashley is a little go-getter in her games and Hannah is turning in to quite the goalie and defender.  They sure know how to make their parents proud.

A funny story about Ashley......

I have to get this story in one of my posts so that it can be printed in my blog book that is just about ready to be published.

Our group of friends went camping over Labor Day weekend.  However, Dave was unable to get the time off work so we went up Saturday night for dinner.  Well, Ashley has had her second loose tooth for a few weeks.  We keep telling her to be patient and it will come out on it's own.

We arrived up the canyon to join our friends and as soon as we get there, Ashley and her little side kick, Taylor, hook up.  Ashley asks Taylor, "Taylor, do you know how to pull out teeth?"  Ashley and Taylor then disappear in Taylor's camper to arrive less than a minute later with Ashley's tooth in hand.  Ashley says, "Mom!  Here's my tooth.  I asked Taylor if she knew how to pull out teeth and she said she did and so we went in her trailer and she got a kleenex and pulled out my tooth."  This is all being said as she won't swallow because there's lots of blood in her mouth and me on the verge of throwing up because I can't handle the pulling out teeth thing!

When these two get together you never know what's going to happen!

1 comment:

Emily Snow said...

Funny story about Ashley. I can't believe you are doing that much soccer...but, yes, the kids do love it! Hope the month goes by quickly!